Mark Zuckerberg wishes he could code Nigerians to do what he wants

Mark Zuckerberg in Nigeria

Mark Zuckerberg is getting serious about adding new "friends" in Africa.
The Facebook founder visited Nigeria for the first time on Tuesday. He met with local businesses and developers in an effort to understand how Facebook could "better support tech development and entrepreneurship across Africa," the company said in a statement.
His visit included a trip to Yaba area of Lagos, where he toured a coding camp for kids and met with about 50 local startup founders and developers at CcHub, a local innovation center.

Zuckerberg said: "There's so much energy and so much potential here. I just want to walk around and meet folks."

As Zuckerberg walked down the street, he drew loud cheers from passersby.
Zuckerberg has been increasingly involved in African initiatives this year.
In June, his foundation -- the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative -- made a multi-million dollar investment in Andela, a two-year-old startup that trains African software developers and gives them full-time roles at international companies. Andela works out of headquarters in Lagos and Nairobi, Kenya -- so Zuck paid a visit to the Lagos office too.
Andela's director Seni Sulyman said it was a thrill to welcome Zuckerberg.
"Mark's visit demonstrates to all Nigerian developers and entrepreneurs that they've caught the attention of the tech world, and they are capable of succeeding on a truly global level," Sulyman said in a written statement.

At this stage, we really shouldn’t be surprised by Mark Zuckerberg’s tendencies to behave like someone who thinks he is God. Yet somehow, he always manages to wangle himself.

“There is an elegance to writing code that I miss,” he said today during a meeting with tech industry types in Lagos, Nigeria, according to CNN. “The code always does what you want—and people don’t.”

Yeah, that's right. Nigerians "don't do as they are told to do, they act as they see fit" it's not a bad thing anyway, or what do you think?

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