How to control your computer with your Android phone.[MAC][WIN][LINUX]

Our mobile phones are becoming more than just a tool to connect with our friends, family and or business partners, it has evolved into a dependable god, and it's getting even more interesting.

There might have been times you wished you could just type those bulky notes or codes in your PC while lying down comfortably on your bed. Or times you would want to change the song playing from your computer but you're too lazy to get up from that comfortable couch. Or perhaps you have an important presentation that you have to work with a projector, instead walking up and down just to change the slides from your computer, you wish you could just snap your fingers and the next page will just automatically slide in.

Allow me to introduce you to Unified remote android application. This android application allows you to use your Android phone as a universal remote to easily control your windows Pc through Bluetooth, WiFi or infrared. Mac and Linux are also supported.

I've been using this app for the past three years now, in fact it's one of my favorite app, I do virtually all my computer works with a thumb and my phone.

One of the amazing features of the app is that you can actually see your computer's screen right from your phone.

Here are some screenshots of some of the things you can do with a single android application:

The app can be used as a mouse, keyboard, music player remote, etc. You can also manage the files inside your computer directly from this app. Yeah that's true.

Other key features of the remote includes:

40+ remotes
Widgets & Quick Actions
Voice commands
Custom remotes
IR actions
NFC actions
Android Wear
Basic Input (remote mouse & remote keyboard)
Boxee Remote
BSPlayer Remote
Command Remote (execute terminal/console commands)
Chrome Remote
File Manager (browse computer files)
Firefox Remote
foobar2000 Remote
GOM Player Remote
Google Music Remote
Google Presentation Remote
Hulu Remote
Internet Explorer Remote
iPhoto Remote
iTunes Remote
J River Media Center Remote
Keyboard Remote
Keynote Remote
KMPlayer Remote
Mac OS X Remote
Magnifier Remote (screen magnifier)
MPC HC Remote
Media Remote (basic media buttons)
Media Portal Remote
MediaMonkey Remote
Monitor Remote (turn monitor on/off)
MusicBee Remote
Navigation Remote
Netflix Remote
Number Pad Remote
Opera Remote
Pandora Remote
Picasa Remote
Plex Remote
PowerPoint Remote
Power Remote (turn on/off and lock computer)
QuickTime Player Remote
Safari Remote
Scroll Wheel Remote
Send Text Remote (type text to computer)
Slide Show Remote
Spotify Remote
Start / Launcher (open programs)
Task Manager (switch active program)
Tellstick Remote
Tellstick Live Remote
Twitch TV Remote
Winamp Remote
Windows 8 Remote
Windows Media Center Remote
Windows Media Player Remote
Windows Photo Viewer Remote
VLC Remote
XBMC Remote
YouTube Remote


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